Guhyagarbha Tantra ~ Book
Restricted Publication
Guhyagarbha Tantra
Secret Essence Definitive Nature Just As It Is
by Longchen Rabjam (Longchenpa)
translated by Lama Chonam and Sangye Khandro
The first part of this volume contains the translation of the root Guhyagarbha Tantra with the Tibetan.
The second part is an extensive word-for-word commentary by the great Longchenpa, which is an extremely profound and important treatise that clarifies the absolute wisdom intent of the tantras. This commentary gives uncommon explanations regarding all stages of Vajrayana practice, including comprehensive teachings from the dzogchen point of view on how to practice and accomplish the path to enlightenment.
Hardcover book
Click here for information on all three books in the Guhyagarbha Tantra Series.
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