Heart Essence of Chetsun - The Perfect Secret Bindu Teachings ~ Digital Audio
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Light of Berotsana offers the extensive oral teachings given by Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche based on the Chetsun Nyingtig commentary by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye. These teachings contain a vast amount of information that elaborates on the actual root text by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and the commentary by Jamgon Kongtrul.
Oral teachings given at Orgyen Dorje Den, Alameda, CA in 2015.
Oral English translation by Sangye Khandro assisted by Lama Chonam.
Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche’s teachings illuminate the Mahasandhi cycle of upadesha instruction. The Chetsun Nyingtig emerged from the wisdom mind of the great yogi Chetsun Senge Wangchuk, who received the transmissions and blessings in pure visions from Pandita Vimalamitra. Chetsun was reborn as Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, who transmitted these remarkable practices and teachings to Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye and other great masters. Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche received the Chetsun Nyingtig transmissions from HH Khenpo Jigmed Phuntsok Rinpoche and Kyabje Penor Rinpoche.
Qualifications to purchase and listen to these teachings: All those who have the fortunate wish to engage with this level of practice must first receive the Nyingtig Yabzhi or the Chetsun Nyingtig empowerment, followed by the reading transmission and upadesha instructions. That is the recommended approach. If this is not possible, disciples must at minimum receive a Great Perfection empowerment for the dynamic strength of awareness from a highly qualified lineage master.
Publications marked [Restricted] indicate that some prerequisite is required for its purchase, such as having received an empowerment, transmission, and/or permission from a lama. If necessary, please consult your teacher or lama to determine if you are qualified to purchase, read, or practice particular texts.

“The Chetsun Nyingtig teachings are the nectar that nourishes one’s life essence. This commentary is the ambrosia nourishing and liberating all disciples who are fortunate enough to study, contemplate,
and meditate upon it.”
~ Khenpo Namdrol Rinpoche
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Printed book to accompany this teaching here.
Publications marked [Restricted] indicate that some prerequisite is required for its purchase, such as having received an empowerment, transmission, and/or permission from a lama. If necessary, please consult your teacher or lama to determine if you are qualified to purchase, read, or practice particular texts.
Video: Sangye Khandro talks about 'Why Some Texts are Restricted'
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