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Your support can help to further the translation, study, and preservation of the Buddhist literature and philosophical heritage of Tibet at the highest standards of excellence.

Our translation work depends on your support -- and sponsorship opportunities are available. We welcome your offerings in any amount to help sponsor a specific translation project or a general donation.

Support a Specific Translation Project or Make a General Donation

Sponsor a Translation
By clicking on the link below, you will be directed to PayPal where you can enter the amount of your donation and indicate the translation project you would like to help sponsor in the special instructions field.

General Donation

PAYPAL: One-time Donation


PAYPAL Recurring Donation

Recurring Donation Options


Light of Berotsana is a 501(c)3 organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Light of Berotsana
P.O. Box 124
Ashland, OR 97520

(Please make your check payable to Light of Berotsana)

Tashi Delek! Thank you!


Send us an email if you have questions about donations.